Buckleupallofus Child Passenger Safety Campaign is an Award-Winning Traffic Safety Campaign recognized and awarded by The US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Safe Kids USA, Safe Kids Worldwide, American Academy of Pediatrics.
September Is Child Safety Month
It’s September folks! That means it’s also National Child Passenger Safety Month Across America. National Child Passenger Safety Week is September 19th thru the 25th, 2021. September 25th is National Car Seat Check Up Saturday. If you are hosting a Classic Car & Truck Show or Cruise Nights this month please feel free to print out this great Buckleupallofus Child Passenger Safety Coloring CARtoon Poster brought to you by Car Show Nationals, Motorhead Magazine, DiPonti Communications, 7-Eleven, Staples, and Buckleupallofus Creator, Jim Weicherding. These are great Kids Buckle Up Safety Coloring CARtoon Poster Handouts at your Car Show & Cruise Night Events in the month of September. These Bucky Child Passenger Safety Cruisin’ Safety Coloring CARtoon Poster Handouts are also very popular with Classic Car Shows and Cruise Nights Classic Vehicle Owners and Spectators all yearlong. Print Out. Pass Out. Reminds Kids and Families about Buckle Up & Traffic Safety in your own State, Town and Community Nationwide. And... They are available right here at Car Show Nationals absolutely FREE!!! Share with your Family & Friends. “Buckle Up All Of Us!”
Make sure you print out the latest cartoon poster from Jim Weicherding about kids safety!
Get your free copy!
Enlarge and print coloring poster
Make sure you checkout Motorhead Magazine who is a big supporter. www.getmotorhead.com
Sunday Cartoons: New Cross Your Heart safety campaign reminds locals to buckle up
Jim Weicherding February 7, 2021
BURRILLVILLE – A new Buckle Up! Safety Campaign launched to readers and listeners nationwide this week in an effort to remind kids and families about the importance of wearing seatbelts, and using properly installed car seats and booster seats in passenger vehicles.
The effort is part of an award-winning traffic safety and child safety campaign originating in Burrillville, which became popular across Rhode Island, New England and much of the country. The initiative, which aims to keep kids, teens, young adults and families safer in their daily lives, has received numerous awards, certificates of appreciation, plaques and citizen service medals from the federal government, state government and agencies, as well as municipalities over the past two decades.
The recently launched campaign is titled, “Cross Your Heart Month,” chosen due to Valentine’s Day, and the fact that almost everything during the month of February is about the heart, and showing people how much you love them. The safety slogan is, “Cross Your Heart With Your Seatbelt…Somebody Loves You,” and the logo depicts a great big heart wearing a seatbelt.
The new campaign was recently announced during a showcase at Central Auto Group in Connecticut, during a live radio broadcast on WBLQ’s Time Machine Show, with DJ Crazy Chris playing oldies and discussing the effort for a regional and national audience.
The campaign was also featured with a coloring poster in Motorhead Magazine’s February Issue, along with a full page article announcing the launch of Cross Your Heart Month. You can see both features by visiting www.getmotorhead.com website or read the printed magazine distributed across the region.
Parents are invited to print out the Buckleupallofus Child Passenger Safety Coloring Poster below with the new “Cross Your Heart Month,” slogan and logo, and discuss the importance of wearing seatbelts with their children.
Have a great and safe Valentine’s Day!
Jim Weicherding is a Burrillville resident, and the founder and creator of an award-winning traffic safety effort Seasons of Safety.
Sunday Safety Cartoon: Smoke Detectors Save Lives
Jim Weicherding January 31, 2021
BURRILLVILLE – The latest installment in the Seasons of Safety coloring cartoon campaign emphasizes the importance of having functioning smoke detectors in every home and apartment.
If you reside in a multi-level home or apartment building smoke detectors should be placed on every level to insure that if there is a fire anywhere in that structure a smoke alarm will sound throughout the building.
A recent television news story about a fire in a multiple apartment building said there were smoke detectors in place, but they had dead batteries and did not sound an alarm. It is crucial that batteries are replaced often so they still work when needed.
The Fearless Dino Protector Squad reminds you that when you hear the beeps, you “Get Out and Stay Out.”
It is recommended that parents make copies of this new fire safety coloring poster and talk to their kids about what to do when they hear the smoke alarm beeps if there is a fire. Practice escape routes in the home. It could help save lives.
Jim Weicherding is a Burrillville resident, and the founder and creator of an award-winning traffic safety effort Seasons of Safety. Weicherding contributes kids’ coloring cartoons, which can be printed and used to help parents discuss safety issues with their children.
Our newest supporters www.CruisinBruce.com
Coloring cartoon by Burrillville artist aims to reduce virus fears
March 29, 2020
BURRILLVILLE – In reaction to the COVID 19 pandemic and how it is affecting kids and families, local artist and safety advocate Jim Weicherding released a series of coloring cartoons this week, aimed at helping to reduce fear and anxiety for little kids who are hearing and seeing what is happening in their lives.
“Kids and adults can use these messages to encourage flu and cold prevention in the home,” said Weicherding. “It will also help initiate conversations in the home that will have a positive impact on children, teens and adults alike.”
The series was also provided the Rhode Island governor’s office, the state Department of Health, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, LifeSpan Hospital Network, Landmark Medical Center, Rhode Island Academy of Pediatrics, and the Rhode Island State Police, as well as state police and fire departments and family clinics.
“Flu and cold prevention education and awareness are very important and it’s better to reach out to families without instilling more fear into their lives,” Weicherding said. “The more kids and families we reach the better this works and becomes effective to help keep everyone safer and healthy.”
Readers are invited to print the series below and talk with their kids about maintaining a healthy and safe environment at home.
Print these out for your kids to color
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
www.carshownationals.com along with Jim Weicherding have teamed up to promote kids safety and classic cars and bring them together in a series of coloring pages and public announcements! Please check back often and make sure you share this info with your kids, grandkids and families!
Please click the coloring pages below to print out for your kids!
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Enlarge and print coloring page
Bus Stop Kids:
Click to print coloring page
About Jim Weicherding: AWARD-WINNING PUBLISHED ARTIST, AUTHOR, CARTOONIST, WRITER, CRAFTSMAN and PUBLIC SAFETY ADVOCATE. Jim will be featured by SEMA in the next few months!!
Jim Showcases Buckleupallofus Giant Balloon Attraction & Passes Out 1,000’s Of Bucky Kids Safety Coloring Posters, Fridge Magnets & Stickers to Kids at Classic Car & Truck Shows, DragWays & Race Tracks Across New England & New York State Throughout the Cruisin’ Season Reminding Kids & Families to Boost Up! & Buckle Up!